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miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2015

My Blogging Experience

Hello, i will talk about my experience in the blog, personally i had never created a blog begore or shared my experiences and my viewes in this way, i think it is an interesting and educational experience for our porposes as english course, since no only allows me to express my thoughts and let me know before my classmates who visit my blog or externally people, but also allows me to learn from the experiences of my colleagues and their thinkings about different topics, their tastes, their activities if they have any heroes or their dreams, issues that we saw in the activity every week.

This activity has allowed me to develop and improve my writing skills in the language, combining a consistent, have good cohesion in the overall writing and have more knowledge of new words, improving my vocabulary.

I have not only acquired knowledge, also gained interest in the language, because personally i have motivational difficulties to learn it, this activity has opened my interest.

In the future it would be interesting to include comments and views on current issues today, deeper in personal tastes and ways of feeling we have, develop activities that we do in the day, culinary tastes, etc.

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