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miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2015

My Blogging Experience

Hello, i will talk about my experience in the blog, personally i had never created a blog begore or shared my experiences and my viewes in this way, i think it is an interesting and educational experience for our porposes as english course, since no only allows me to express my thoughts and let me know before my classmates who visit my blog or externally people, but also allows me to learn from the experiences of my colleagues and their thinkings about different topics, their tastes, their activities if they have any heroes or their dreams, issues that we saw in the activity every week.

This activity has allowed me to develop and improve my writing skills in the language, combining a consistent, have good cohesion in the overall writing and have more knowledge of new words, improving my vocabulary.

I have not only acquired knowledge, also gained interest in the language, because personally i have motivational difficulties to learn it, this activity has opened my interest.

In the future it would be interesting to include comments and views on current issues today, deeper in personal tastes and ways of feeling we have, develop activities that we do in the day, culinary tastes, etc.

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2015

My dreams

Hello, today i will comment what i pretend to do with my life and what my dreams and aspirations for the future are.

First of all, i have many goals to accomplish, referring to academic, the first thing that i have to do is finish in a good way my university studies and then specialize in a particular area with the necessary post-degrees.
In the professional field, i personally do not like too much the work system and be an employee, within my aspirations is to have my own company or independent service that is at once stable and profitable.
Reaching dreams should be the principal goal of the people in their life and the engine that drives you to get up every day, on the way many obstacles can appear, whether difficulties or moments of failure, but the key is to be perseverance and never give up.
In the other aspects of life, in personal areas, i hope to develop myself in full, either physically and sportingly, be constant in time and settle different objectives as time goes on. And finally form a stable family.

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

My favorite expert

Veronica Figueroa Huencho is an admirable academic, she is the actual director of the ‘’School of government and public management’’ at the University of Chile, the first woman in the history of the institution to take this position with titular character.

In his studies she holds a Ph.D. and Postdoctoral in management science, this latter from the University of Stanford, California. Besides she is the current director of the '' School of government and public management '' dictates different courses in public administration, she has multiple publications and research of matter and member of the executive council of the Indian chair of the vice-presidency extension, and the commission for gender equality of opportunities of the University of Chile.

I personally like this academic because she loves and enjoys what she does, enthusiasm and empathy sets in each of their classes, interviews, talks, etc. Besides she has an extensive knowledge in the field, backed by different academic degrees obtained.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

My favorite photograph

Hello everyone, this photo is of my last graduation of martial arts in which i got a higher grade.

This foto was taken by my girlfriend who accompanied me to the prom , showing an important moment for me in terms of progress and sporting achievements , reflecting a long period of training and capacity building required to further progress from grade, one long time investment , injury, illness , beatings, etc.

This photo was taken about three months ago, it was a warm day, but sometimes cold.

I like this photo because it is one of the few that i have in this field, and also because it is special due investment of many factors behind it, Is a photo that will remain in the memory of the goals accomplished this year 2015, although it will not be the last.

After that picture, I went to eat at a restaurant with my girlfriend, and after left she at her home, i went to my house, rest and slept, satisfied for having a good day.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

How sports can improve Chilean life standards

  • All sports deliver health benefits, but who can be classified according to the practice, for example, swimming is an ideal sport for people adultar because it does not generate joint problems, football is useful for poor people because they do not It is consuming to practice, and martial arts for those who want something more intense.
  • Sport provides distraction, personal and spiritual development, delivery values ​​therefore can solve many problems in the poor, such as substance abuse, crime, unemployment population as it teaches enough to function in life
  • Access to sport in Chile is a problem at escaza infrastructure that we, tennis shabby pools escazas free classes too expensive, we need sports culture.
  • The solution is to create a cultural change in the mentality of the people, that they must be encouraged to practice and also the necessary spaces are created by the state and that they are free.
  • The benefits are many, physically, psychologically and spiritually, help us stay healthy, prevent diseases, to stay motivated and use our energies in a good way and also gain values ​​of fellowship, among others.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

My favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is my phone iphone 4s, actually i'm not very compatible with the technology , but i like this device, that i got about a year ago, I gave it from my father, because the cellphone that i had at that time was obsolete.

I use the phone every day, all day, in the place you find me, because i consider it essential for the time in which we live, I use it to call, to chat , to take photos and keep in touch on social networks.

I like it because it has a nice appearance and is easy to use, very useful.

My life without this device would be complicated because it keeps me connected and entertained, i do not know if i could keep well without it.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

Expectations for a New Semester

In this term i am studying a lot of subjects, such as Administrative Law, Microeconomics, Applied Statistics, Theory of Administration and Theory of Science. Microeconomics seems more interesting than all, although usually its difficult in some instances, i study and exercise too.

I have to take English and other extracurricular courses, this language is difficult for me because i do not like too much and therefore do not show much interest in practice , but it is quite useful and necessary in working life , therefore , this semester will be crucial to my goal of learning English.

This semester i hope to improve my English enough , raise my grades in all subjects , meet new people and play sports in college, since by far none has met my expectations.


viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

My Auto Biography

Hi, my name is Gabriel Vergara and I am a second year student of Public Administration from the University of Chile. I was born on June 30th, 1994 in Santiago. I completed my high school here in Santiago, in the ''Guia Estudiantil'' school and in the ''Escuela Industrial'', where I got the title of ''Automovil mechanic ''. I live in La Cisterna with my mom and my brother Matias, he is six years old. My hobbies are mainly sports, especially martial arts and powerlifting, which have been practicing for more than three years. My favorite activities are playing with my little brother, watch movies, listen to music, read interestings books and go out whit my friends entertained at different places all weekends.